Cod vicentina
This recipe is the recipe officially suggested by the "Worshipful Brotherhood of Baccalà alla Vicentina" and and 'the fruit of studies and comparisons between the many recipes in vogue in restaurants and in the most' famous taverns in the Vicentino from the thirties and fifties. Obviously you do not want to demonize the variations of the recipe currently in use.
Ingredients for 12 people:
- 1 kg of dried codgr. 500 of onions
- 1 liter of extra virgin olive oil (1)
- 3-4-anchovies
- ½ liter of fresh milk - a little white flour
- g. 50 of grated Parmesan cheese
- a parsley sprig
- salt and pepper
Soak the dried cod, already 'well beaten, in cold water, changing every 4 hours, for 2-3 days.
Remove the skin side. Open the fish lengthwise, remove the bones and all plugs. Cut into square pieces, possibly equal.
Finely slice the onions; fry in a pan with a glass of oil, add the anchovies, boned and cut into small pieces; finally, with the heat off, add the chopped parsley.
Flour the pieces of stockfish, sprayed with the fried mixture, then arrange them next to each other, in a pan of cooked or aluminum or in a baking dish (on the bottom of which you will be 'paid, first, some spoonful); cover the fish with the rest of the mixture, add the milk, the grated cheese, salt, pepper.
Combine the oil to cover all the pieces, leveling them.
Cook over very low heat for about 4 hours and a half, moving every now and then the container in a circular motion, without stirring.
This cooking stage, the term "Vicenza" is called "pipare". (2)
Only experience will know 'to define the exact cooking of dried cod, from specimen to specimen, may' differ in consistency.
The Baccalà alla Vicentina and 'very good even after a 12-24 hours rest. Serve with polenta.
Note (1): to note the relationship of one to one between cod and olive oil. A kilo of cod requires a liter of oil, which will be almost entirely absorbed during cooking. This requires the recipe. If you think a too strong attack on your cholesterol level, mettetene a little less. But Trasgredirete so the true and authentic recipe Baccalà alla Vicentina.
Note (2): the term "pipare". It means to cook for hours and hours over low heat. Ideally, leave the pan on the outside of the cast iron shelf of old wood stoves that were in every home until the sixties. Failing that my wife stove leaves pipare the bacalà over a pair of refractory bricks, which puts on one of the small gas stove burners.
Other news, curiosities and insights on cod are in the official website of the cod Vicentina brotherhood:
Author: tonicopi