The read sector
Regulatory issues, national and Community.
A good part of the training course for employees to the administration of food and beverages is based on learning industry legislation. Even after passing the exam and obtained the appropriate qualifications, in order to do their jobs professionally, without risks and problems, you must be updated on the laws, which are constantly changing.
Obviously, the laws change. Let's take an example. EU Regulation. 2568/91, of which talk about by treating the oils in the descriptive part, shows the characteristics of olive oil and olive-pomace oil, as well as related methods of determination.
When, as a result of technological development, it was considered that they could be lowered the limit values of the free acidity of olive oils, she was released after about 10 years the EU Regulation no. 1513/2001, important to Annex A which updates, lowering them, the free acidity values of the EU Regulation No limits. previous 2568/91, cited above.
The examples that we can do are many. We Read on cereals and their derivatives, milk and derivatives, on oils, wines, etc., Which are continually updated, with the passage of time.
Community rules, national, regional
Let's look at the EU regulatory aspect.
Since Italy is part of the European Union, the most important laws come from the Community.
In addition, since 1990 they have occurred in our country, and also in the rest of Europe, profound and numerous changes in all fields; the legislative instrument that was more suited to keep up with these many and rapid changes has been the Legislative Decree (Decree). Normally, therefore, to one or more Community directives, follows mostly a Legislative Decree or a Ministerial Decree that incorporates.
For example, D.M. February 27, 1996, n. 209 in which talk about treating additives in the descriptive part, the norm is larger on the regulation of food additives allowed in the preparation and preservation of food substances. It has been issued in implementation of less than 5 EU directives: 94/34 / EC, 94/35 / EC, 94/36 / EC, 95/2 / EC and 95/31 / EC.
Likewise, the Legislative Decree no. 27 January 1992, n. 109, later updated by Legislative Decree no. 181/2003, is a very important decree on labeling, which implements the EU Directives 89/395 / EEC and 89/396 / EEC relating to the labeling, presentation and advertising of food products (note the delay, typically of a few years, the date of enactment of Legislative Decree with respect to the Directive).
Laws are promulgated less often because it takes longer (there are many steps between the Technical Committee, the House and Senate), but they are also the largest and most comprehensive (See picture).
At the regional level, we have the regional General Decrees. For example, the DGRC (C stands for Campania) No 463 of 19 April 2006, concerns the protocol for an alert system for food safety, in compliance with Regulation EC No. 178_2002 laying down the principles and requirements of food law .