The pizza napoletana
If anyone is to Corso Umberto 1, in Naples, which has behind Piazza Garibaldi and Central Station, and ask a passerby where is any Neapolitan Pizzeria Trianon da Ciro, you feel immediately respond: "Further on, on the right, Largo S. Agostino, near the Trianon ".
If anyone, is to Corso Vittorio Emanuele, in Salerno, which has behind Piazza Vittorio Veneto and the Central Station, and asks an ordinary passerby Salerno where is the Pizzeria Trianon da Ciro, you feel immediately respond: "Later, in left, going down to La Rotonda ".
The first - it is known - is famous all over the world. The pizzeria by Ciro Trianon was founded by Cyrus and Georgina spouses Leone back in 1923 and takes its name from the nearby Teatro Trianon that years ago it was the place where he exhibited artists such as Toto, Macario, Nino Taranto, and many others who, attracted by the aroma that reached them from the nearby pizzeria, at the end of the show they went to enjoy the famous pizza that - obviously exaggerating -, "a rota du Carrett (the wagon wheel)", precisely because it seemed as big as the wheel of a wagon towed.
The second, less famous but certainly commendable, was founded around the early '90s by a descendant of the same family Leone.
Neapolitan pizza is much more than just food. And 'joy is the joy of living, is conviviality. It 'a "wonderful convivial ritual", which makes those different times and most beautiful of all the other moments, whether together with friends, or your family, or a tete a tete with the baby of her own heart.
And when unfortunately, for one reason or another, we are forced to postpone this "wonderful convivial ritual", it is appropriate to say that we are really bad.
Then, just to relieve those moments of discomfort, he thought Ciro, who was also a descendant of the founders of the famous pizzeria, to propose to telespettari, in the transmission conducted by Catherine Bailiff, the recipe for Neapolitan pizza homemade. And then I describe this recipe as I remember it.
700-800 gr. made with flour
1/2 lt. of cold water
2-3 gr. of yeast
20 gr. of salt
Mix in a bowl
Let stand 15 minutes
It then works the 'dough on a plan
Form the dough balls
Let rise for 8 h, or 12 h, or 24 h
Roll the dough
Garnish with the desired ingredients
Note. Since the common kitchen scales it is difficult to accurately weigh 2.5 g. yeast, it suggests the following practical method: the yeast nut, usually of 25 gr. is divided in half with a knife, you take one of these half and is still divided in half, and so again for a third time; Finally you take one of these two latter half (approximately 3.125 g.) and are taken of them for the pizza a little more than 2/3 (three notches do with the knife, and pick up for the pizza a little more than two) .
Variety of pizza
The desired ingredients will be, specifically, mozzarella and tomato for the margherita pizza and tomato garlic and oregano oil, the marinara (near Salerno is also used to add chopped anchovies); the varieties of pizza are many, but the margherita pizza is the most delicious and the most common, followed by the sailor. Personally, I am for tradition, and I do not go certain high-calorie pizzas that the genuineness and goodness of Neapolitan pizza do not have anything.
And also by standing the variety "Daisy", certainly the genuineness of the 'present is certainly less than that of a hundred years ago, and the genuineness of what they will eat the grandchildren of our grandchildren - maybe in the Expo style - will be too' it below the current one.
And now that the 'subject is closed, readers will forgive me on a little self-referential nature of those considerations of this article, but I want the same at least hint at those past memorable moments together with Carmine, my friend and companion of university studies, who for many years we have unfortunately failed in our affection.
Back in the '60s, he and I just went to a pizzeria and as a better alternative to the meals of the university cafeteria, and is also to break the stress of heavy industrial chemical studies; and it was not just by Ciro Trianon, but also, and more often, at a pizza place that was in the very long Via Spaccanapoli, all 'height of the Monastery of Santa Chiara, close enough to our guesthouse.
Well, what for us it was much more than "a wonderful convivial ritual", because based on a great friendship and a great affinity of interests and point of view for all that, plus being young, concerns the desire of life, namely girls, music (especially American, of which Carmine was a great connoisseur), cinema, sports, sea,
... In short, all the dreams of a young man. And we had many!