Seafood products

The vehicles and containers used for the transport of frozen and refrigerated counters and cupboards foods intended for the sale of such product must be equipped with the necessary devices intended to ensure the maintenance of the temperature within the terms provided by the present decree (Art. 11).

The method for a spot check temperature and how the samples shall be determined on the implementation of Community provisions by decree of the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Handicrafts, in consultation with the Minister of Health (Art .12).

Are there different penalties, depending on the type of offense (see Decree. N. 110/92, January 27, Appendix).


The seafood, fresh and frozen, placed on the market for sale to consumers include:


The molluscs


The frozen fish




The fish is formed by the head, which ends with the gills (the breathing apparatus), from the central body, to which are attached the fins (for traveling), and from the queue (for the movement and direction).

The fish are divided according to the habitat, the fat content, and freshness.

Freshness is the main requirement of the quality of the fish, which by the general currency, especially the eyes and gills, smell, and the elasticity of the body (by pressing upon a finger); passing from fresh fish (1 gg from capture) to the altered fish, unmarketable (over 10 days. from capture), it goes from a shiny appearance to a dull appearance; a smell of seaweed no fish odor to an unpleasant odor, ammonia, acrid; a shiny eye to a sunken eye, tarnished; from the gills bright red to dark red-brown gills; by an elastic body and consisting of a soft body, flaccid.

For the first two requirements, the following applies:

by habitat:

Sea fish: grouper, cod, anchovies, also known as anchovies, mackerel, and then again snapper, bream, swordfish, sole, mullet;

freshwater fish: pike, trout, carp, eel, and then again salmon, sturgeon, etc .;

according to fat content:

especially very thin: grouper, pike, and then still sole, octopus;

lean species: cod, trout, and then again lobster, squid, oysters, sea bass

semi-oily species: anchovies, carp, and then again mullet, red snapper, tuna, mullet

succulent species: mackerel, eel.

So, doing some sample summary, with respect to marine fish, grouper, cod, anchovies and mackerel are respectively very thin, thin, semi-fat, and fat, while, with regard to river fish, and in the same order, we Pike , trout, carp and eels.



The molluscs are fish species of no skeleton, with soft body (hence the name), and are divided into: without protection shell (squid, cuttlefish, octopus and common); protected by shells (mussel, also called mussel, clam, oyster, date mussel and razor clam).


Crustaceans, both seafood (lobster, shrimp, crab) and fresh water (ie, the crayfish) are fish with the body protected by a sturdy shell, with antenna characteristics, and front legs which in some species end pincer (claws).

frozen fish

The frozen fish products deserve a special mention.

The range of products includes frozen fish: fish: cod, hake, plaice, sole, grouper, sea bass, swordfish, red mullet, available eviscerated, whole or filleted. Shellfish: Shrimp, shrimp, clams, mussels, squid, cuttlefish, etc. , Also available in special "mixed sea" preparations, as a sauce for spaghetti or risotto.

For fishery products the preliminary operations (manual or mechanical, such as beheading, the depinnazione, the decaudazione, the evisceration and bleeding) can be carried out on board ships provided followed by immediate freezing and suitable temporary packaging; subsequent machining operations or packaging must be carried out in the authorized establishments, or on factory ships, the requirements of which are established in accordance with the said law.

With regard to the packaging of frozen fish products and frozen foods in general (vegetables, fruit, meat, pasta dishes based on pasta, seconds, ready meals, etc.) to the consumer, the frozen food should be sold in its original sealed packaging by the manufacturer or by the packager and preparer with a suitable material to protect the product from microbial contamination or other gender and from dehydration.

These provisions also apply to frozen foodstuffs for hospitals, restaurants, canteens and similar establishments (Art. 7).

With regard to the labeling of frozen food for consumers, as well as frozen foods for restaurants, hospitals, canteens and similar establishments, apply the same general provisions on labeling, as follows and additions:

the sales description, supplemented by the term "frozen";

the minimum durability completed by the indication of the period in which the product can be stored at the consumer;

The instructions for storage after the purchase completed by the indication of the storage temperature or equipment required for storage;

the caveat that the product, once thawed, must not be refrozen and any instructions for its use;

the batch indication (Art. 8).

Vehicles and containers

The vehicles and containers used for the transport of frozen and refrigerated counters and cupboards foods intended for the sale of such product must be equipped with the necessary devices intended to ensure the maintenance of the temperature within the terms provided by the present decree (Art. 11).

The method for a spot check temperature and how the samples shall be determined on the implementation of Community provisions by decree of the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Handicrafts, in consultation with the Minister of Health (Art .12).

Are there different penalties, depending on the type of offense (see Decree. N. 110/92, January 27, Appendix).


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