The food meat

The food meat

Definition. For food meat means all parts of domestic animals of certain species intended for human consumption.
The species of edible animals are cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and goats; in addition there are farm animals, namely chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, rabbits, and pigeons.

For fresh meat are those preserved only with the cold, or those preserved in vacuum or modified atmosphere.

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The eggs

The eggs normally used to power are those of chicken.

Egg components, and food composition

The components are:
a) shell (outer shell resistant to an average structure)
b) albumen (commonly called "egg" white; about 60% of the egg weight)
c) yolk (central part, from yellow to red, more nutritious, and about 40% of egg weight)
d) the air chamber (the space not occupied by white and yolk).

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