Preface to grandfather Zef
As it is in the best tradition of publications on websites, when you start a set of articles related to a certain topic, you must give them a name and a brief description.
And so, wishing to talk about grandparents and grandchildren, and precisely the habits and behaviors and topics of conversation in common between grandparents and grandchildren, and having to choose a short title, I decided to give the section of this site a short name, for the note "Nonno Zef".
Fixed the fact of the name of the section, I had to decide on the names of the categories of the section. And then, immediately, I thought of a category called "Tales and Fables", since it is well known that when the grandchildren are young, the grandparents usually tell them stories.
Then, in the life of an elderly person, an important space is represented by memories. And so I gave this name to a second category: "Ricordi".
In particular, for Ricordi, it is also possible to generalize, in the sense that after all the fables and the stories before, and then the memories, are part of a very vast and very thick substratum, which we simply call dreams.
Dreams are an important part of our life. They always accompany us, in a simple and imaginative way just like in the grandparents' fairy tales to their grandchildren, but also during, and after, and until the end: there are the Dreams of young people who try to build a future; there are also the dreams of young people who discover love, and who dream and are engaged in how to be united forever with their loved one. At the same time, it is therefore possible to distribute the fables and stories, generated by these dreams, in sub categories subdivided by age group, not excluding adults. Literature is rich in examples of works of a fairy-tale nature suitable for all ages; we cite "Il Piccolo Principe", by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and works of greater depth, such as the trilogy by Italo Calvino, "Our Ancestors" (Il Visconte Dimezzato, Il Baron Rampante, Il Cavaliere Inesistente); and yet, the superb work "A Midsummer Night's Dream", by W. Shakespeare. The same Shakespeare in his work "The Tempest" makes Prospero say: "... We are of the same substance of which dreams are made, and our little life is surrounded by a sleep". Ultimately, dreams are necessary for all ages: the theme changes, but ultimately each of us - and each in its own way - tries to make sense of the mystery of our complex, mysterious, human fragility.
Then follows a summary of the story "Rikki Tikki Tavi", taken from the collection "The Book of the Jungle" by Rudyard Kipling.
Finally, I would like to carry out some simple chemistry notes, following over the years - as far as Heaven allows me - the schooling of my granddaughters, if they need - but I really hope not! - of a little help.
Thus, the categories in this section are as follows:
- Tales and Fables
- Remember
- Chemistry notes
But it would also be interesting to examine how the rapid evolution of human society - of its ways of being, of thinking, of its lifestyles - should also change the relationships between grandparents and grandchildren. And therefore it would be interesting to also have articles relating to experiences and chronicles of real facts concerning grandparents and grandchildren. And that's part of the future developments of this section of the site, which I hope - Heaven wanting! - to be able to achieve.
To make general then the participation - both of all the grandparents, and of all the grandchildren, according to the meaning attributed above - as administrator I thought of updating the site to the latest version of Joomla! (vers. 3x), which is responsive, that is easily viewable even on smartphones and tablets, in order to increase the dissemination of content especially among young people, also due to the multi-lingual feature of this site.
author: Zeferino Siani
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