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Incontrarsi al Bryant Park


Incontrarsi al Bryant Park

A lenti passi, Margareth si avvicinò all'ampia vetrata del suo ufficio, al 30° -  ed anche ultimo - piano dell’ HSBC Tower, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York: durante la notte il vento aveva spazzato il cielo da tutte le nuvole, e la vista era magnifica. Allora, come aveva fatto altre volte, prese dalla scrivania la chiave della porta di accesso al terrazzo, fece di corsa le due rampe di scala: due giri nella serratura ed una spinta - e...

 Ora nulla si frapponeva al suo sguardo e, appagata, poteva guardare fino all’ Hudson a sinistra, all' East River a destra e, dietro di sé, a tutto il Central Park,... e ancora oltre! Poi, come sempre, il suo sguardo retrocesse lentamente, ripercorrendo a ritroso la visione precedente, fino ad appuntarsi sul Bryant Park proprio sotto di lei: newyorkese da generazioni, amava la sua città, ed in particolare amava quel prato che oggi splendeva come la faccia ben levigata di uno smisurato smeraldo.

Il Bryant Park! … Sempre ben curato e pulito, con tutte quelle sedie e tavolini sotto le piante disposte attorno al rettangolo di prato verde.

Meet up at Bryant Park


Bryant ParkMargareth was proud of her work and of her position. And the people who knew her were in favor of seeing her as a good financial consultant, with a quality that could hardly be precisely defined, and that her most discerning clients identified in a kind of wonderful certainty that what was being decided about or diversification of the securities of a portfolio or a brilliant pick-up would have been a sure success.

With slow steps, she approached the large window of his office, at the 30th - and even last - floor of HSBC Tower, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York: during the night the wind had swept the sky from all the clouds, and the view was magnificent.
Then, as he had done before, she took a key from the desk, closed the office door behind him, ran up the two flights of stairs and then - two turns in the lock and a push - went out onto the terrace!

Now nothing stood in front of her eyes and, satisfied, she could look up to the Hudson to the left, to the East River to the right and, behind him, to all the Central Park to the north,... and beyond, and beyond! Then, as always, her gaze slowly receded, retracing the previous vision backwards, until she pinned herself on Bryant Park just below her: New Yorker for generations, she loved her city, and in particular she loved that meadow which today shone like a face well polished of an enormous emerald.

Rendez-vous au Battery Park


Incontrarsi al Bryant Park

D'un pas lent, Margareth s'approcha de la grande fenêtre de son bureau, au 30e - et aussi au dernier - étage de la Tour HSBC, 452 Cinquième Avenue, New York : pendant la nuit le vent avait balayé le ciel de tous les nuages, et le la vue était magnifique. Puis, comme il l'avait fait en d'autres occasions, il prit sur son bureau la clé de la porte d'accès à la terrasse, monta en courant les deux volées d'escaliers : deux tours dans la serrure et une poussée - et...

Désormais, plus rien ne s'opposait à son regard et, satisfaite, elle pouvait regarder jusqu'à l'Hudson à gauche, l'East River à droite et, derrière elle, tout Central Park,... et au-delà ! Puis, comme toujours, son regard s'est lentement retiré, retraçant la vision précédente, jusqu'à ce qu'il se fixe sur Bryant Park juste en dessous d'elle : une New-Yorkaise depuis des générations, elle aimait sa ville, et en particulier elle aimait cette pelouse qui aujourd'hui brillait comme le face bien polie d'une énorme émeraude.

Parc Bryant ! … Toujours bien entretenu et propre, avec toutes ces chaises et tables sous les plantes disposées autour du rectangle de pelouse verte.